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Life insurance is an interesting product. Insurance companies make a bet their clientele will live long enough before cashing in on their policies so the companies can make money. Those who purchase policies are purchasing protection for their beneficiaries in case they meet an untimely demise. Most people should have life insurance. It is imperative for those who do not have a large amount of wealth stashed away. Those who are wealthy have enough to insure themselves. However, the issue of life insurance brings up the question of the best time to purchase it. 

Earlier Is Better

Getting insurance at the earliest age possible is the best practice. Younger policyholders tend to get lower prices because they tend to be healthier. The older people get, the more they tend to develop health problems like high blood pressure, cardiovascular disease, and diabetes. Additionally, the older people get, the closer they are to death and the time when their beneficiaries can cash in the policy. Insurance companies perform physical exams on those who apply for a policy, and health problems will show up. Regardless of whether a person decides to purchase a term or whole life policy, the earlier they make the purchase, the better. 

Term Or Whole Life?

Term insurance covers a person for a specific period of time, which will usually vary between five and 30 years. Whole life insurance is intended to provide the death penalty no matter how old a person gets. The former offers only a death benefit; the latter frequently offers an investment vehicle that can provide a cash value for people during their golden years. Those who are looking for the maximum death benefit at a low cost will likely want to purchase a term policy with the longest possible term. If they can qualify when the term is up, taking out another policy for as long as possible can be a good idea. 

Life insurance is an important risk mitigation product that most people should purchase. The earlier a person purchases it, the less they’ll have to pay. Some people open policies for their children as soon as they’re born. Other people will need to purchase a policy on their own when they marry or have children to protect their dependents against the loss of income that can come with their untimely demise.