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David Beskar 

Finance Blog

How to Avoid and Minimize IRA Taxes on IRA Distributions

How to Avoid and Minimize IRA Taxes on IRA Distributions

Avoiding and minimize IRA taxes on an Individual Retirement Account (IRA) isn't straightforward and typically involves breaking the law. However, there are legal strategies to minimize taxes on your IRA: Roth IRA: Contributions to a Roth IRA are made with after-tax...

How ESG Factors are Impacting Investment Decisions

How ESG Factors are Impacting Investment Decisions

Investors are becoming more aware of the need to consider a company's Environment, Social, and Governance platform.  These are emerging factors that will have a long lasting impact on how a company adapts to changing markets.  Environmental, Social, and Governance...

Importance of Building a Local Network for Success

Importance of Building a Local Network for Success

When starting a small business which comes in the form of a side hustle, it is essential to find the veterans in the industry and learn.  Building a network of mentors and vendors for any startup is important.  Networking at the local level is crucial for success for...

How to Start Rotational Grazing

How to Start Rotational Grazing

Starting rotational grazing involves several steps to effectively manage pastures and livestock. Here's a guide to help you get started: Assess Your Land: Evaluate your pasture conditions, including soil fertility, grass species, and topography. Understand the...

How to Navigate an Early Withdraw from an IRA

How to Navigate an Early Withdraw from an IRA

Cashing out a Roth IRA before the age of 59.5 should generally be approached with caution, as early withdrawals may result in taxes and penalties. The Roth IRA is designed to encourage long-term retirement savings, and the tax benefits are optimized when funds are...

How to Prepare Your Budget for the New Year

How to Prepare Your Budget for the New Year

The start of 2023 is a great opportunity to reflect on your finances from the previous year and make plans for how you can improve them. The New Year is a chance to start fresh, make progress, and become more prosperous. Take the time to assess what went well for you...

Finance Tips to Remember during Difficult Times

Finance Tips to Remember during Difficult Times

It can be easy to get overwhelmed and ignore the things giving us anxiety during times of financial uncertainty or economic downturn. However, during this time, it's important to make adjustments to ensure that you're on track with your financial goals and adapt your...

Money Habits That Hurt Your Retirement Savings

Money Habits That Hurt Your Retirement Savings

Developing good money habits can help you reach your financial goals, but unnecessary spending can slow down your progress. A financial plan is essential, but it can be challenging to stick to it. Here are six common money mistakes that can be turned into good habits...

Economic Podcasts to Boost Your Knowledge

Economic Podcasts to Boost Your Knowledge

You can't manage your personal finances well if you're not learning and growing your knowledge of modern economics. This is especially true if entrepreneurship interests you as a new career path. You can meet all of your needs for continued financial education without...

Financial Planning for Newlyweds

Financial Planning for Newlyweds

There are plenty of changes you will have to make with your partner when you get married. One thing that often gets overlooked is how your finances will change. Once you get married, your personal financial profile will be shared with your partner. You'll also have to...