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Life often seems to be a constant cycle of saving and spending. While we do not want to deprive ourselves of certain things in life, we also want to feel secure about our finances. In most cases, individuals feel most comfortable spending money when they have met their financial goals. If you’re waiting to splurge on a new car or a trip, you might be looking for hidden ways to save up at an accelerated rate.

What Can You Do to Reach Your Money Goals More Quickly?

Even though you may have a specific purchase in mind when saving up money, it is first most important to save up enough cash for an emergency fund. Unfortunately, it can be difficult to predict when your car might need repairs or when an unexpected doctor bill comes up. These are by no means “fun” purchases. However, having this money stored away in an untouched account will keep you from having to dip into your “fun money” when such situations arise. You’ll find it much easier to meet your money goals if you already have this strong foundation of emergency funds set aside.

Another necessary skill to develop in your money management is the ability to say no. It can be tempting to want to spend money when you see your friends going out every weekend and other individuals taking trips. However, remind yourself that your time will come. While you don’t want to decline every single invite you get to go somewhere, you also need to discern which events will fit into your budget for the month and which you’ll have to decline for the time being. Along with being able to say no, you also need to have a knowledge of what your budget should look like. You can adjust this budget from time to time after considering your financial goals and current circumstances. However, you cannot truly begin to reach your money goals without first setting up a budget. If this is an area you struggle with, there are plenty of free resources meant to help you track your spending more efficiently. 

One other way to meet your financial goals faster is to discern which bills you can cut back on. Consider your entertainment costs. Do you pay for cable on top of numerous streaming services? If you find you’re not watching cable or you’re not logging into a streaming service enough to get its worth, you should consider getting rid of those subscriptions. You’ll be surprised to find just how much money this can save you in your monthly budget. Take this same attitude and apply it elsewhere. Can you lower the thermostat a few degrees? Do you have subscriptions on your phone that you don’t use? By evaluating these areas, you’ll be able to cut back in some areas in order to make more room for spending in others.